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Our Report

Please read our new Sustainability Report 2023. Please find our Sustainability Policies here.

Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023

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At A Glance

Fighting deforestation
Haze prevention
Protecting people

Fighting deforestation

  • No primary forest clearance on our sites.
  • No degradation of High Conservation Value (HCV) areas.
  • 100% of our sites have HCV management and rehabilitation plans.

Haze prevention

  • Zero burning for land clearing and replanting.
  • We have trained fire control teams and fire specialists across all our plantations. Our estates are equipped with vehicles and equipment for firefighting. Our fire specialists are regularly trained in fire prevention and firefighting.

Protecting people

  • 100% of our sites have now set up SMK3 (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja), the Indonesian OHS (Occupational Health and System) standard.
  • Strict compliance with national and local laws, including laws on employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining, minimum wage regulations, decent pay and working hours. No operations or suppliers so far identified where collective bargaining or freedom from forced or child labour are at risk. No registered worker is below age 18.
  • Seasonal workers' contracts respect government regulation.
Reducing social conflict
Peatland management
Sustainability governance

Reducing social conflict

  • Smallholders benefit from the technical and financial support of IndoAgri and the ISPO certification process is used to ensure no risk to human rights or Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).

Peatland management

  • No new planting on peatlands and water levels maintained in all peatlands are under our control.

Sustainability governance

  • The Board assumes overall responsibility for the governance of sustainability at IndoAgri, including the assessment and management of climate-related risks. It incorporates sustainability and climate considerations into the formulation of our business strategy and supervises the management and monitoring of our ESG impacts and material topics, including the annual validation and approval of these material topics.
  • The Board receives support in monitoring and managing sustainability issues from the management level Sustainability Think Tank (STT). During quarterly Board meetings, the STT provides reports on sustainability performance, updates on recent sustainability developments, and communicates decisions made in response to these developments. At these meetings, the STT also provides updates on climate-related risks and opportunities, including progress against goals and targets for addressing climate-related issues.
  • Chaired by our CEO, the STT consists of Executive Directors, Chief Operating Officers, the ERM unit, the R&D team, and sustainability representatives from each business unit. Additionally, our Audit and Risk Management Committee (AC & RMC) receives quarterly updates on material sustainability risks and associated concerns.
  • Both the ERM and AC & RMC assist the Board in overseeing and reviewing emerging and priority group risks, including climate-related risks, risk management, and internal controls. To encourage sustainable practices, executives’ compensation is linked to the achievement of specific sustainability targets and performance indicators that are relevant to their areas of responsibility.

Making a positive impact at work

  • Deforestation

    We preserve areas of High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) within our operations. Prior to any new planting, we use the HCS Approach Toolkit which allows estates to quantify carbon stocks and gauge FPIC in the community. Our HCV Management Plans have been assessed and accredited by licensed assessors. 100% of our sites have HCV management and HCV Rehabilitation Plans.

  • Paraquat phase out

    We have eliminated the use of Paraquat from all operations since March 2018.

  • Innovation: yield

    Whilst land is finite, and whilst we are working with an efficient and high-yielding crop, we are targeting better yields for commercial performance and to help deliver our Sustainable Agriculture Policy. The main focus areas are:

    • Crop health: fighting pests and diseases for productivity and waste minimisation.
    • Careful fertiliser dosages, precision agronomy.
    • Physical protection: using hydrology and ecology to promote beneficial plants, insects, and soil micro-fauna.
    • Our Smallholder Programme aims to minimise economic risks they face by helping to improve yields; growers understand that their participation in our Smallholder Certification Programme will provide improved productivity, and less pressure on natural forests (and safer labour practices).
    • Yield maximisation advice and training on Good Agricultural Practices is provided on all plasma estates by specialist Plasma Assistants. Plasma and other smallholders are expected to meet the same quality criteria as nucleus estate suppliers.
